Areas Covered

Unit 1

Library and WWW research Methods:


To equip the participants with skills to trace information from libraries and the web efficiently, to appraise them of information and knowledge resources, to carry out literature survey, to formulate information search strategies, and to use modern tools (Internet, OPAC, search engines etc.) for effective information Search and retrieval.

Areas Covered:

Introduction to library and its services; Types of library, Role of libraries in education, research and technology transfer; Classification systems and organization of library; Sources of information with examples- Primary Sources, Secondary Sources and Tertiary Sources; Abstracting and indexing services (Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, CABI Abstracts, etc.); Tracing information from reference sources; Literature survey; Use of CD-ROM Databases, Online Public Access Catalogue and other computerized library services; Use of Internet including search engines and its resources; e-resources access methods, Internet search strategy-Boolean operators, Deep web searching, , etc.

Core Areas:

  • Academic Information Sources (Print& Online)
  • National and International information systems

Unit 2



To equip the Participants with skills to write dissertations, research papers, etc. To equip the students/scholars with skills to communicate and articulate in English (verbal as well as writing).

Areas Covered:

Technical Writing - Various forms of scientific writings- theses, technical papers, reviews, manuals, etc; Various parts of thesis and research communications (title page, authorship contents page, preface, introduction, review of literature, material and methods, experimental results and discussion); Writing of abstracts, summaries, prĂ©cis, citations etc.; commonly used abbreviations in the theses and research communications; illustrations, photographs and drawings with suitable captions; pagination, numbering of tables and illustrations; Writing of numbers and dates in scientific write-ups; Editing and proofreading; Writing of a review article. 

Communication Skills - Grammar (Tenses, parts of speech, clauses, punctuation marks); Error analysis (Common errors); Concord; Collocation; Phonetic symbols and transcription; Weak forms in connected speech: Participation in group discussion: Facing an interview; presentation of scientific papers.

Core Areas:

  • Writing for academic purposes
  • Research Reporting
  • Academic publishing

Unit 3

Academic Publishing Trends


To teach the basic concepts of Academic Communication and Academic Publishing trends

Areas Covered:

Article publishing,  Peer reviewing process, Plagiarism, Plagiarism detection - manual and electronic, detection software. How to avoid plagiarism, consequences of plagiarism,  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Indexing - H Index, Impact factor, Google Scholar Citation metrics,  ORCID ID, ISBN-ISSN, DOI etc

Core Areas:

  • Academic Plagiarism
  • Plagiarism Detection software
  • Ethical Use of Information

Unit 4


To teach  about styles manuals and their importance in Academic Communication.

Areas Covered:

Style manuals (APA, MLA, Chicago) bibliographic reference management software tools (Mendeley, Endnote web) etc

Core Areas:

  • Referencing, referencing systems and styles
  • Bibliographic reference management software

Unit 5

Predatory Publishing and Open online Courses


An attempt to sensitize the academic community with a better awareness on Predatory Publishing and open online courses

Areas Covered:

Predatory journals, MOOC, Open access Initiatives and open archives, databases, online academic information sources, concept of FOSS, Computer networks, Internet of things ,·Collaboration tools,Research Indicators, Scholar Networks

Core Areas:

  • Collaboration tools
  • Research Indicators, Scholar Networks
  • Massive open online Courses




The main objective of this course is to equip participants with knowledge of intellectual property rights (IPR) related protection systems, their significance and use of IPR as a tool for wealth and value creation in a knowledge-based economy.

Areas Covered:

Historical perspectives and need for the introduction of Intellectual Property Right regime; TRIPs and various provisions in TRIPS Agreement; Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), benefits of securing IPRs; Indian Legislations for the protection of various types of Intellectual Properties; Fundamentals of patents, copyrights, geographical indicators, designs and layout, trade secrets and traditional knowledge, trademarks, Licensing of technologies, Material transfer agreements, Research collaboration Agreement, License Agreement, BIS, WIPO, ISO etc

Core Area:

Copyright Law in the digital age

Unit 7

Data analysis and interpretation:


To provide an overview of statistical tools used for research data analysis.

Areas Covered:

Statistical Packages used for Data Analysis.

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